

Lillian Ann Woodhouse

Lillian Ann Woodhouse

Sep 14, 2024

Lillian A. Woodhouse passed away peacefully on September 14, 2024, in Sahuarita, Arizona at the age of 77. Lillian was born in Nogales, Arizona on January 15, 1947, to Ralph and Lillia (Gonzalez) Woodhouse. She is predeceased by her parents, brother Ralph Woodhouse II, and nephew, Lucius Woodhouse. She is survived by her sister-in-law, Ann Woodhouse and many cousins. 

Lillian worked...

Lyle E Robinson

Lyle E Robinson

Sep 4, 2024

Lyle E. Robinson, DVM, (Doc) age 86, passed on to his home in heaven, after a long struggle on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 at 10:30 pm, in TMC Hospice Peppi's House. 

He was born January 24th, 1938 in Santa Rita, NM to Elton and Alta (Harrison) Robinson. He married Mollie Woodrow in June of 1957.

He went on to graduate from the...

Maria Del Carmen Hernandez

Maria Del Carmen Hernandez

Aug 26, 2024

It is with deep regret that we announce that our beloved sister Maria del Carmen Hernandez Navarro passed peacefully, with her dearest children and grandchildren by her side in her home of Rio Rico, Arizona, on August 26, 2024. "Carmen", as everyone called her, was born on November 13, 1951, and raised in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. She was very well...

Alma Julia Reyes Robles

Alma Julia Reyes Robles

Aug 26, 2024

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Alma Julia Reyes, a devoted mother, cherished friend, and tireless caregiver, who left us on August 26th, 2024 at the age of 57. Born on May 20th, 1967, Julie lived a life marked by selflessness, kindness, and unwavering dedication to her family and community.Julie was known for her nurturing...

Maria Luisa Winters

Maria Luisa Winters

Aug 25, 2024

Maria Luisa passed away on August 26, 2024 in Tucson AZ. She was born on November 15, 1935 in Rosario Sinaloa. Preceded in death by her mother Benita Morales , sons Jose Gerardo Valdez and Jesus Hector Winters. Survived by Daughters Maria Castillo and Vera Winters Ibarra, sons Miguel Angel Valdez and Francisco Javier Winters. Survived by her grandchildren Luis...

Alejandrina "Honey" B. Carrillo

Alejandrina "Honey" B. Carrillo

Aug 20, 2024

Alejandrina "Honey" B. Carrillo, beloved mother, sister, grandmother, and friend, passed away peacefully on August 20, 2024, surrounded by her loving family. Born on January 28, 1936, in Nogales, Arizona, Honey lived a life full of laughter, love, and music. She was preceded in death by Richard Clinton Thurman and her son, Alejandro B. Thurman.Honey is survived by her children...

Carlos R Sihas

Carlos R Sihas

Aug 11, 2024

Carlos Roque Sihas falleció el 11 de agosto de 2024 a la edad de 94 años. Estuvo rodeado de sus 7 hijos, numerosos nietos y bisnietos. Falleció pacíficamente mientras dormía en su hogar, donde estaba siendo cuidado. Originario de Naco, Sonora, México, estableció un hogar para su familia en Nogales, Arizona. Fue un hombre trabajador, un ejemplo que transmitió a...

Raul Landavazo Lopez

Raul Landavazo Lopez

Jul 6, 2024

Raul L. Lopez

Our father was a very patient man, he loved and cared for us, and his essence will never be matched. We will honor him in every way we can, continuing with this obituary to give a brief description of his life and accomplishments. Born February 25, 1935 in Nogales Sonora, Mexico he was one of twelve siblings to...

Rosicela Estrella

Rosicela Estrella

Jul 4, 2024

Con mucho dolor escribo estas palabras, mi mama nacio en el 1951 en nogales Sonora novembre 15. Era una gran señora tuvo 4 hijos hombres a los cuales quiso mucho y una gran abuela de 8. Cuando ivamos a visitarla parecia buffete a todos les hacia lo que querian. Fue una buena esposa que estuvo casada 50 años con el...

Gilberto "Chololo" Rodriguez

Gilberto "Chololo" Rodriguez

Jun 30, 2024

Con profundo dolor, anunciamos el fallecimiento de Gilberto Rodríguez , un hombre ejemplar, padre, abuelo y tatarabuelo, querido por todos. Nació el 20 de Marzo de 1935 y nos dejó el día 30 de junio, 2024, dejando un vacío inmenso en nuestra vidaGilberto fue un hombre de pocas palabras, pero con un amor inmenso, comparable al de un ángel. Su...

Manuelita V Magallanes

Manuelita V Magallanes

Jun 22, 2024

In life, there are individuals who leave a lasting impact on those around them through their strength, hard work, wit, humor, and love. Lela was one such lady, who embodied these qualities and more. She was a pillar of strength, a hard worker, a witty individual, a funny storyteller, and a loving presence in the lives of those she touched....

Jose Rene Murrieta

Jose Rene Murrieta

Jun 2, 2024

José René Murrieta, de 65 años, luego de un corto tiempo luchando contra el cáncer, falleció el 2 de junio de 2024 en su casa rodeado de familiares y amigos. Era esposo de Ignacia "Nachita" Murrieta. Compartieron 20 años de matrimonio juntos.Nacido en Nogales, Sonora, le precedieron en la muerte su padre Manuel B. Murrieta, su madre María Oralia Murrieta-Granillo,...

Alice Mary Karam

Alice Mary Karam

May 22, 2024

Daughter of the late Alexander N. Karam and Celina H. Karam of Nogales, AZ. 

Preceded in death by 4 siblings:  George M. Karam, Lydia (Karam) Taheny, Celina “Sally” (Karam) Mayer, and Lorraine (Karam) Cappello and by nephews, Michael A. Karam and Theodore “Ted” Taheny and by her faithful dog, Fifi.   She is survived by her sister, Ann Marie Karam of...

Lourdes V Rivera

Lourdes V Rivera

May 22, 2024

LOURDES VASQUEZ RIVERA“Para los que amo y me aman, no lloren y sean felices. Ahora es tiempo de irme con Dios. Yo muero pero mi amor no muere; los cuidaré y amaré desde el cielo. Solo les pido que cuando me recuerden recen por mí como yo lo hacía por todos ustedes, porque esa era la mas hermosa prueba de...

Beatrice A Islas

Beatrice A Islas

May 1, 2024

Beatrice A. Islas 

With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Beatrice A. Islas a beloved wife, mother, sister and friend.  Beatrice passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on May 1, 2024 after having managed a long-term illness.  Beatrice, age 93, was born and raised in Nogales, Arizona on September 17, 1930 to parents Santiago and Elodia Alvarado.  After...

Ruben Felix Jr

Ruben Felix Jr

Apr 23, 2024

Ruben Felix born on November 18, 1982, passed away on April 23, 2024 at home in Rio Rico, Az.  He issurvived by his parents, Ruben & Lourdes Felix, and Guillermo & Elena Navarro, brother Cesar Felix, sister Vanessa Navarro,and numerous extended family members.Ruben was a graduate of Nogales High School, and was employed in the Commercial Trucking Transportation Industry.Ruben will...

Estela Ronquillo

Estela Ronquillo

Apr 23, 2024

Surrounded by loved ones, Estela Ronquillo, 86, passed away peacefully on April 23, 2024, at her home in Nogales, Arizona. Estela was born in Nogales, Sonora, on June 6, 1937 and is survived by her beloved husband, Robert Treto Ronquillo; son, Robert Ronquillo; and brother, Manuel Rojas.Estela, a devoted servant of God, was committed to her religion and created community...

Dr Julian Ojeda Salcedo

Dr Julian Ojeda Salcedo

Apr 14, 2024

Dr. Julian Ojeda Salcedo falleció en paz y rodeado de sus hijos el 14 de Abril de 2024 en Green Valley, Arizona. Julian nacio en Nogales, Sonora, Mexico un 19 de Noviembre de 1939. Hijo de el señor Julian Ojeda Aranda y la señora Isabel Salcedo de Ojeda, fue residente de Nogales, Arizona desde 1979. Julian es presidido en muerte por...

Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez Quintero

Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez Quintero

Apr 13, 2024

Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez fallecio el 13 de abril en casa junto a su familia en Tucson, Arizona. le sobrevive su esposo Jesus F Vega sus hijos Ricardo Valdez, Griselda Jimenez, Luz Maria Valdez, Ruth Ivonne Leon, Carmen Janeth Leon, Bruno Joel Leon 14 Nietos y 2 bisnietos, 7 hermanos. Hay tantas cosas que te dijimos que no terminariamos de escribir...

Ramon B. Hernandez "Bear/Mony"

Ramon B. Hernandez "Bear/Mony"

Apr 7, 2024

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Ramon B. Hernandez, 65, of Rio Rico, Arizona. He passed away peacefully on April 7, 2024. Ramon grew up in Nogales, Arizona, with two sisters and two brothers. He was a concrete finisher, backhoe operator, and contractor for the majority of his adult life. He was always...

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